James - new teaching series

Pain and suffering is part of the landscape we find in the "wilderness" motif of life. What are we to do? How are we to respond? "Pure joy" is how James puts it. He says, "Consider it pure joy." The Christian expects troubles and has a deep joy even in the face of them, but it's not the masochistic "no-pain-no-gain" enjoyment of suffering, nor the hedonistic "this- too-shall-pass' avoidance or even "count-your-blessings / it's-all-in-your-mind" denial of suffering.

Christians rejoice IN suffering, not FOR the suffering, or rejoice in the anticipation of getting OUT of the suffering. But how do we do that? Deep suffering often leads us to question God's character, as opposed to being comforted by it. Truth is, we don't have the intellectual capacity to reconcile real, intense, suffering with the goodness of God. James knows this. We begin to wrestle with the thought that maybe God is not good. Perhaps what I thought were "tests" are actually temptations from a God who is actually evil - or at least evil sometimes?

It makes sense that James encourages us to begin by praying for wisdom - wisdom to persevere and endure in suffering, not wisdom to fix or escape from it. Wisdom to apprehend what we cannot comprehend. Wisdom to trust, versus wisdom to understand. Wisdom to trust that the tests/trials come from a Father, who does not change like shifting shadows, who consistently works all things TOGETHER for our good, unearthing what we really trust in, so we can replant ourselves in the 'lap' of the One we long for - who is good and generous with his love.

Wilderness - Psalm 81

“If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways...with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” (from Psalm 81) Psalm 81 recounts the wilderness experience of God's people before they entered the Promised Land. The wilderness is a very important theme in the bible. God decrees the Hebrew people to make an annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem to remember their wanderings in the desert in an event called the Feast of Tabernacles. Why? Because he wants his people to have the storyline of ‘wandering in the wilderness’ in their hearts and mind as the paradigm from which to understand their lives, from which to understand their existence and the things that happen. Keep in mind that when Near Eastern culture talks about a wilderness it is referring to the desert - a desolate place that cannot sustain human life. The only reason why the Israelites did not die was because of the miraculous intervention of God.

We too have been rescued out of slavery, like the Hebrews, and are wandering in the wilderness, still wandering in the desert, on the way to the promised land. And just as the physical desert cannot support human life, this world (in the condition that we see it) could never support, sustain or fulfill our deepest longing, our deepest needs, our deepest desires. The world will never satisfy. Never give us what we need. As Marie Antoinette (Queen of France) would say, “Nothing tastes.”

But there is a rock in the wilderness, meaning what? It's often in the wilderness we bump into God. it's in the wilderness where our abstract beliefs of God often become an existential face-to-face reality. And in that rock is not just water to sustain us, but honey to sweeten our lives, meaning what? It is possible for the wilderness to turn us into sweet people - but only if we pass the test of listening and submitting. What hope is there for us to pass such a test? What will keep us from becoming sour? from discouragement? from burnout? from the fear of being swallowed up in the wilderness?

That brings us to our final point: Jesus is the rock. In shocking surprise, when God told Moses to get the rod, instead of coming down on Israel's rebellion (as he did with Egypt), God provides for their need - despite their rebellion. What happened? Did God compromise on his character? Was justice compromised? No. It was diverted to a future time where he would 'pay' it Himself in Christ Jesus. Is God made him sin, who knew no sin, that we might become the righteousness of God in him. In other words the rod came down on him - the rod that I deserved, the rod that you deserved.

Moreover, Jesus not only took the rod of justice, but passed in 40 days what Israel failed to do in 40 years. And he passed the 'test of obedience' not as our example (though he is an example to follow), but as our substitute. What that means is that when I believe in Jesus, that he died for me (took the rod), when I say, ‘Father accept me because of what Jesus has done' (passing the test), God treats Jesus as if he’d failed in the wilderness, and he treats me as if I passed.

And what that means now is that I no longer have to be afraid of the wilderness. He doesn’t punish me in my failures. He gives me water. He gives me honey. He’s leading me to the land of promise. He’s taking me to the place where there will be no sorrows. He’s going to get me there - faster or slower depending on how much I obey him, but regardless.

Confession - Psalm 32

Confession. There is a striking difference between our culture's view of confession, and a Biblical worldview. We either confess to get God off our back, or we confess so that God can "cover our back." Why do we need confession? shame and a desire to hide are conditions we all share - either we will cover our shame ourselves, or we will allow God to cover us. Ps. 32 describes our attempts as being insufficient - only God can truly cover us.

How do we confess? We break the silence and "acknowledge" our sin to God. We cease to cover our own shame, trusting that God can do a much better job.

Who are we confessing to? God is described as a rescuer from "mighty waters", as a hiding place, protector, or one who surrounds us with shouts of deliverance.

Just as God covered Adam and Eve when they disobeyed by slaying an animal, so he covers our shame by slaying His own Son.

[Preached this Sunday by Gabe Molinaro]

Contentment Without

Ps 131:1 My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. 2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. 3 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore. Our sense of contentment is usually circumstantial. When our circumstances meet our expectations we often feel content. Knowing this we often lower our expectations and desires, or even resign from them all together to escape disappointment and anxiety.

Contentment for David however was relational. He found contentment despite his circumstance because he anchored it in his relationship with God. David writes: “O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore.”

He invokes the image of a baby with its mother. Like an infant frantically rooting for her mother’s nipple, we often frantically root for that one ultimate thing to give us soul-rest. “But I have calmed and quieted my soul,” David says, “like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.”

Like a weaned child, no longer wanting his mother’s milk, David was content without that which used to seem indispensable. He testifies to his freedom in three areas of his life which modern folks today often find indispensable for our meaning and validation.

Freedom and autonomy: David writes, “My heart is not proud,” Social status: David writes, “O LORD, my eyes are not haughty;” Vocation: David writes, “I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.”

As good as his independence, status and calling was, he no longer rooted for them desperately like an infant – as if they were ultimate. His desires grew up. It reminds me of what C.S. Lewis wrote in The Weight of Glory:

“Indeed, if we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that Our Lord finds our desires, not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

Beach Sunday Aug 29

Just a reminder that this Sunday we will be meeting at Golden Gardens for a picnic AND to celebrate baptisms and baby dedications.

Please feel free to invite friends and family for this last picnic of the summer.

Again here are the details

Where: Golden Gardens park Time: 11:00 a.m. What to bring: Meat to grill, side, salad, dessert or drink to share, blankets and/or chairs for sitting, frisbees, balls, etc.

Sanctuary will provide, plates, napkins, plasticware

Susan susu2005@gmail.com

Anger That Pays It Forward

Psalm 137: 8 O daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who repays you with what you have done to us! 9 Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!

Modern people have a difficult time handling the anger in the Psalms. Eugene Peterson writes, "People who are looking for a spiritual soporific don’t pray the Psalms, or at least don’t pray them for very long....."

There is a realism in how the Psalmist processes his anger. He takes his feeling and he opens them up in all their reality and looks at God in all of his reality. His emotions actually drive him to God in a new way, and His presence changes his emotions. Religion tends to say, stifle your feelings, especially those negative feelings. Get on top of them with goodness. You are a good person. Secularism tends to look at venting, and expressing your feelings, as an end in itself. The Psalms doesn't say, stuff your feelings or ventilate. It doesn't say stifle your feelings or bow to them. It doesn’t say be under-aware of them or over-aware /awed by them. You PRAY them. You let your emotional reality drive you to the reality of God and if the reality of God is true it ought to change your reality.

One more thing:

Jesus weeps the city as he heads into Jerusalem for the last time. Psalm 137 is on his mind.  Little do the people know that this Psalm prophecies destruction of their city [which was fulfilled in 70AD].  But there's more on the mind of Jesus.  He himself is to be 'dashed on the the rocks' FOR us.

What does this teach us?  Anger demands justice from a just God.  The cross, however, shows us more than a just God who exacts payment.  It shows us a just God who pays for it. He took the judgment upon himself by becoming sin.   The Father had dashed his little One against the cross for the sins of all humanity.

Anger on this side of the cross goes beyond demanding justice.  It pays for the injustice owed  - paying 'grace' forward.  It wills the good of our enemies.  Jesus did from the cross for us.  "Forgive them," he prayed.

Restricted for Freedom

“Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.- Ps 119:8

The assumption is that if you are not serving God, you are serving something else. If you are not a slave to the spiritual authority of God, you are under the spiritual authority of something else already. The opposite of Christianity isn't atheism. It's Idolatry.

Euripides, the greek tragedy writer:

"No one is truly free, they are a slave to wealth, fortune, the law, or other people restraining them from acting according to their will."

What is astounding here is this Psalmist is NOT saying, I gave up my freedom to serve you, he says, I now walk at liberty because I sought your precepts. I'm free BECAUSE I'm your servant. I used to be a slave to fear. Because there were certain things I thought I had to have. I used to be a slave to resentment, because I thought there were certain things I had to have. I used to be a slave to guilt. I could never measure up. But now that you are my master, nothing else masters me. Now that I serve you, nothing else orders me around. I can come and I can go. I have choices - finally!

Here's the point: Freedom is not a lack of restrictions. Freedom is finding the right restrictions. Restrictions that fit your being.

Q and then A

Ps 42:5 - Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation 6 and my God. My soul is cast down within me; therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan and of Hermon, from Mount Mizar. The Psalmist was far away from his home (south) on the other side of the country (north) on some remote mountain top called Mt. Mizar.

It's interesting how in his 'thirst' for God he addressed his soul first before addressing God. And notice how he address his soul.

1. He listens to his soul. Asked his soul WHY. He pours out his soul. And only then does he... 2. Tell his soul to HOPE

Pour out your soul. Give your soul a chance to speak. Listen to it. You say, "I don't feel like there is anything there to pour out?" Then fine - talk about that. If nothing else, talk to God about how you are getting nothing out of it. If nothing else, talk to God about how much you miss him, or how much you don't miss him. If nothing else, talk to the absent God about his absence. Give your soul a chance to speak to you before you speak to it.

This is self-examination at a profound level, which allows the psalmist to see the things that he puts his hopes in, which are not going to be able to sustain his soul unless he hopes in God.

From Law to Love

Sunday recap:  There are two kinds of prayer.  There’s calling prayer, and there’s answering prayer.   There’s the prayer where you start the conversation.  “God I need you. God I’m in trouble. God I hope your there.”  Those are all perfectly good. There is nothing wrong with calling prayer. But Psalm 1 is where it is because it’s indicating to us that the kind of prayer that grows us fastest and deepest is answering prayer.  That means prayer in response to something God has said in his Word - a prayer on the basis of listening to God say something.  Prayer that answers.  Prayer that lets him start the conversation, that let’s him choose the subject, that let’s him set the tone.  That kind of prayer takes you in towards him and your heart much faster than the other kind. That kind of prayer requires meditation.  Meditation is not bible study or praying your prayer list.  It’s a confluence of the two, it’s a bridge between the two, an overlap of the two.  You are listening, and reflecting, and communing with your own heart - thinking about the implications of God’s word until it begins to speak to you, affect you - so you can answer God with it.  That’s pretty important, and it’s not something that the average person has learned to do, nor does it come natural to us since it requires us to treat his word with authority in its entirety.

What do I mean?   If you have any kind of real relationship - you wrestle.  You come at each other.  You say, “I don’t think you are right.”  But if you don’t accept the bible in all its entirety, if you take out the parts that offend you, what you got is essentially a cartoon god - a god that can’t possibly wrestle with you - a god who is impotent - a god who can’t knock you down in any significant way. Buber puts it this way: unless the bible is law to you, it cannot be love.  Unless it can be authoritative it can’t prove to you what you don’t want to believe.

Praying the Psalms

We continue in our study on the disciplines of grace - beginning with prayer.  Praying the Psalms teach us how to pray in three ways:  (1) Through imitation and response.  Like a child who acquires his/her language from his/her parents, we too, acquire the language by listening to and responding to our Heavenly Father in his Word.  (2) With depth. We tend to want to deny the rawness and reality of our feelings, especially the darkness of them. We stuff. Or we vent in the name of "self-expression." The Psalms does neither. They pray them into the presence of God. (3) With accuracy. Left to our selves, we will pray to a god - "cartoon god" - who speaks what we like hearing, or to the part of God that we manage to understand. There is a difference between praying to an unknown God whom we hope to discover in our praying, and praying to a known God revealed in Jesus Christ and his Word. Big difference.

Disciplined discipline

Recap from Sunday: Intimacy between two people doesn't happen automatically. You begin as a rookie getting your basics down - like learning how to communicate. And once those basics get established, you begin to enjoy the power and beauty of a relationship. It's like a musician to his music. He wants to be intimate with the music he is playing, but until he gets his technique down he won't be able to fully enjoy the power and beauty of the piece he wants to play. Same thing with our relationship with God. In Psalm 71 we look at an older fellow says that from his youth he has relentlessly worked at three things. Notice where he uses the word, "continually."

1. He has continually taken refuge [rested] in God during times of distress (v.3) This has to do with how he has processed his suffering and disappointments. 2. He has continually praised God as an act of personal discipline (v.7) This practice has to do with daily prayer. 3. He has continually put his hope in God for his future. This is the most foundational of all. He does rigorous self-examination regarding the fundamental trusts of his heart. He is careful to know what he actually rests in and lives for, and he continually re-focuses his soul's deepest hopes on God.

He recounts that he has never let anything turn him aside from these disciplines. Why? Because of duty sake? No. For beauty.

The courage to stand still

Recap from Sunday:  To be known is to stand still and let the Other approach you. Both the elder brother and younger brother have difficulty standing still. They rather be noticed, not known. The elder brother types tend to move towards the Other by being "good". If they aren't they believe the Other won't find them worthwhile to move towards them. They are the people-pleasing types. They can't handle a moment of stillness in a relationship in fear that the Other may get bored and walk away. The younger brother types tend to move away from the Other by being "bad." It's the only way for them to feel a sense of self lest they be swallowed up and suffocated by the Other. Conformity is a death knell.

We can stand still with God and with others because of the merit of we have in Christ Jesus.

Illusiveness of satisfaction

Recap from Sunday: As Dr. Johnson said, "To be happy at home is the end of all human endeavour."  (1st to be happy to prepare for being happy in our own real home hereafter; 2nd in the meantime to be happy in our houses). - CS Lewis, from his Letters

I'm talking about those incredible moments.  It's like a worship experience - the kind that leaves you feeling depressed at the end because it's all over - the kind that makes everything else seem so dissatisfying.  A concert, a show.  A love interest.  A family reunion.  A vacation to Maui.  The more incredible the experience, the more our longing for it, the deeper the pain of separation from it.  All you want to do is try to recapture the moment.  Boredom sets in.  As Marie Antoinette said, "Nothing tastes."

The illusiveness of personal satisfaction.  C.S. Lewis, a 20th Century Christian writer wrote in his book, The Weight of Glory saying how this is not the world we were built for. We feel lost, alienated, and homeless because there is nothing in this world that can ever satisfy our deepest longings and needs, no matter how hard or how long we look. How is this possible? One reason, perhaps is, God left us a a kind of memory trace from the collective consciousness of the human race back to Adam and Eve. We remember the Garden, what life was like at the foot of God. We remember the beauty of God. We remember the creative opportunities, the knowledge and wisdom, peace and satisfaction that we once had. We weren’t there, but we know and we long to have it once again.

This is our human condition - exile.  And Jesus evokes it with a parable of a lost son.  Because of our sins, we are lost and are in exile and long for a place we can call home. But how can we find it and how can we get there?  God sent Jesus, our true elder brother, all the way to earth to rescue us from the exile of our sin and restore us to full communion with God. In those days, it was the older brother’s responsibility to keep the family together. He was suppose to be his brother's keeper like Cain was to Abel. But in this parable, the older son doesn’t go looking for his younger brother. Why not? To find his brother might mean losing everything, perhaps even having to sell his share of the inheritance in order to find him. Why his expense?  Because the younger son took his share of his inheritance.  Everything else was to go to the older son.  He's the only heir left.

Unfortunately, the elder brother loved his possessions more than he loved his younger brother - and it was impossible for the father to bring the younger son back but at the elder brother's expense.  Truth is, like the younger son, the elder brother was also lost, dissatisfied, and in exile. Point: we are all prodigal children who are in need of an elder brother who is willing to give everything in order to bring us home.

But where can we find this brother? Jesus did something that the elder brother in this story couldn’t do. Jesus left his home in order to look for us. He left his heavenly kingdom - not at the risk of losing everything, but knowing he would lose everything.  On the cross, Jesus loses fellowship and communion with the Father. He is forsaken and cast out of the family, so that we can be brought into the family.  We have a perfect and true elder brother in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Isa 25:6-8 "On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines.  On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth. The LORD has spoken."

That's our future. The greatest feast, fellowship.  When Jesus brings us home, he will give us an ultimate homecoming.  I imagine that moment walking through the fields towards the walls of heavenly city.  The Father God running towards me in the distance like a madman unable to contain himself.  The true elder brother opens the door.  I faint.  And he carries me in to that ultimate feast weeping with joy.

The new communion.  When we take the Lord's Supper, we get a foretaste of the future homecoming feast for all believers when we will celebrate the return of full intimacy between God and us.  Hallelujah!

Supernatural Forgiveness

Sermon recap: Biblical forgiveness is assertive. It initiates the process of reconciliation even before someone asks for forgiveness. Such assertiveness comes from a heart that is "forgiveness-ready" as opposed to being "clobber-ready." Biblical forgiveness is sacrificial. It absorbs debt rather than seeking repayment. God gave up his right to revenge by absorbing our debt in Jesus Christ, rather than requiring us to repay the debt through our moral efforts. Biblical forgiveness is empowered. It's not a decision that comes out of our own virtue. Like the prodigal son, it's not until our ship begins to sink that we point it home. In other words, it's when we come to a point where it pains us more not to forgive than to forgive that we set our hearts to do the Father's will. It kills us, but it kills us more not to do so. And the moment you repent, you see the Father desperately running like a mad man towards you with love in his eyes as if we chose to do the right thing when in fact we haven't. That's when it dawns upon you what real forgiveness is. That's when you truly grasp what love is. Because God sees us for who we are in Jesus and not who we are as sinners. And that empowers us to to love ourselves and others in a transformative way. We become a community that doesn't bear grudges, belittle those who have hurt us, or force people to carry the sins of their past with them forever.

A new family of origin

Sunday Recap: Despite your individual decisions and choices in life, it's your family of origin that has most shaped you into the person you are today. Thus what's going to transform you more than anything else isn't moral or spiritual resolutions, but a new family of origin. How is this possible? As J.I. Packer aptly put it: "adoption through propitiation." Adoption into a new family with a new set of parents, new siblings, and a new set of values Through Christ, we are able to receive "sonship" with God. Sonship gives us status, shared resources, and an intimate access to the Father like none other. The deeper we grasp our "sonship" the deeper the brotherhood in our church. The deeper the brotherhood, the more life-shaping our impact on one another. The elder brother in the parable was upset. Why? The younger brother, who having squandered his inheritance, was received back by the father on sheer grace. So what? Sheer grace isn't free grace. It costs someone something. And for the younger brother in this parable, grace came at the expense of the elder brother's inheritance.

Jesus is the "elder brother" in our story. Unlike the elder brother in the parable he willingly gave up, not only a portion of his inheritance, but all of it, in order to pay for the grace behind our adoption.

Recklessly extravagant

prod-i-guhl - adj. wastefully or recklessly extravagant Any other father in the ancient world would have done the opposite in reaction to such an outrageous request.  To ask for your inheritance before the death of the father was the same as wishing he were dead!  A just father would have slapped the son and chased him out of the home with verbal and physical blows.  But in order to leave open the possibility of repentance, the father went ahead and sold off a portion of his "property."  The word Jesus used for "property" is the Greek word "bios" which means life.  Property meant so much more back then that it does now.  The father in a sense tore his life apart for his son - taking the agony upon himself rather than giving it to the son.  Thus, ironically, what we got here is a story not just about a prodigal son, but a prodigal God - who literally tore his life apart for us - taking upon himself the agony we deserved.

Such love!  Such extravagance!  Does God capture your heart and your imagination?  The only way to turn from the idols in our life is not by destroying them with an act of the sheer will, but by dispossessing them of their beauty.

Repentance as a response

Sunday recap.  We are continuing our study in Luke 15.  The most problematic "sins" in our lives are hidden by our denial.  It normally takes a person or some harsh circumstance to bring it to our attention.  Membership in a church is our way of admitting our inability to confront sin ourselves.  In membership we give others permission to gently help us respond to sin we are in denial of.  We respond in two ways.  We respond vertically by acknowledging how the sin is primarily a sin against God.  This helps us focus our repentance on the disease of sin itself.  Focusing on the consequences or shame will often make things worse by taking you deeper into self-centeredness.  Responding vertically gets us out of our self-centeredness thus allowing for a true horizontal response that takes complete moral responsibility without blame shifting or excuse-making at all. That said, the key to doing repentance is not so much in what the son did, but what the father didn't.  The son wanted to earn his way back into the family.  The father didn't allow for it.  Such kindness enables repentance. (Rom 2:4)